Today we begin a special two week series as we look back at lessons from lockdown. We open with a really fun new song to enjoy and close with one that’s many decades old. As always we join in prayer and worship and gather around God’s word together. Put your hope in the Lord, now and forevermore.
Read MoreEllen and Andy explain our plans to begin to reopen the building for services, starting with a morning service on Sunday 20th September.
Read MoreA small group study based on the sixth and last in our series entitled Gospel DNA.
Read MoreToday a remarkable passage from Acts 4 is at the heart of our online service. You are so welcome as we sing, pray, celebrate and gather around God’s word together. All the believers were one in heart and mind…
Read MoreA small group study based on the fifth in our series entitled Gospel DNA.
Read MoreWelcome to today’s online service where Ellen will inspire and challenge us with Acts chapter 4. We will join in prayer for our young people and we will sing out God’s praises together with other Chichester churches. We are so glad you can join us today!
Read MoreOne of the things we have learnt as a church over the years is that there is real value in doing things together. It’s with that in mind, wanting to tap into the special energy and shared commitment …
Read MoreA small group study based on the fourth in our new series entitled Gospel DNA.
Read MoreWelcome to the CBC Online Service for 16th August. We pray that it will be an encouragement and a help to you today.
Read MoreA small group study based on the third in our new series entitled Gospel DNA.
Read MoreWelcome to the CBC Online Service for 9th August. We pray that it will be an encouragement and a help to you today …
Read MoreHave you done the first part of the Alpha course? Would you like a refresher on some Christian basics? Alpha Two could just be the thing for you!
Read MoreA small group study based on the second in our new series entitled Gospel DNA.
Read MoreWelcome to our online service today! There are worships songs to join in with, a talk for children, and the next message in our series in the book of Acts, We hope and pray that you will be blessed and encouraged as you join us.
Read MoreA small group study based on the first in a new series entitled Gospel DNA.
Read MoreWelcome to our online service today! We reflect on all the fun of the holiday club trail at CBC this week. We worship and we spend time with God’s word as we begin a new series in the book of Acts. We are so glad you can join us.
Read MoreWe’re sorry we can’t have more people at church for James and Zoe’s wedding service but we’re really glad you can join us in this online way. The service starts at 13:00 on Saturday 25th July …
Read MoreA small group study based on a stand alone message from Roger entitled “Life with a Purpose”.
Read MoreAt our online service today we pray, worship and hear from God’s word. We have a special end of term school feature and consider Jesus and life lived with a purpose. You are so welcome!
Read MoreHolly reads ‘The house on the rock’ by Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen.
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